Meet our team: Nell
It has been a busy year at Mr Jones Watches meaning we have been lucky enough to grow our small team.
After Natalie moved over to our assembly team, we welcomed our Customer Service and Workshop Assistant Eleanor Rudd (a.k.a Nell). If you’ve sent us an email recently you’ve probably spoken to her. Nell also helps packing up and sending out all of your online orders.
We sat down with Nell in our workshop to help you to get to know her a little better.
Tell us a little bit about you?
I’m Eleanor but known at Mr Jones Watches as Nell, after growing up in Portsmouth I wanted to move to a big city, so last December I moved to London.
I have a creative background, after studying fine art at Chichester University I trained for 2 years as a tapestry weaver at Westdean College. While working there, I was commissioned by artists and the studio to make tapestries.
Some of Nell’s work has been featured in The Tate and Sacchi gallery.
What do you like doing outside of work?
Since moving to London, I really enjoy visiting galleries and museums such as the British Museum regularly to gather inspiration for my own work.
I also love to spend time illustrating as well as working on my weaving and textiles.
Here are some of Nell’s tapestry pieces.
Which is your favourite Mr Jones Watch and why?
When looking through the Mr Jones archive a couple of watches really stand out to me.
I like everything retro and gold so I love the Cyclops deluxe. I am also a fan of Edward Carvalho-Monaghan’s work so I really liked Chaos World.

We have loved welcoming Nell into Mr Jones Watches and she has quickly become a valuable member of our small team.
If you would like to find out more about our team you see us all right here.