About the Artist: David Newton

David Newton describes his experience of designing the ecLIPSe watch:
"The Sun and Moon are my favourite icons to play around with. I love the notion of the two in the sky at separate times - yet here they are united and telling the time!
I like the idea of them as parent-like figures always watching over us.
My illustration and printmaking practice is heavily led by hand-making and not creating on a computer.
All the artwork for the eclipse design was hand cut from physical sheets of card. I often hand gild elements in gold or silver to add a feeling of animation. I was thrilled that MJW could take this aspect of my practice and include it in the watch.
I'm not the best time keeper, i’m often late to meet a loved one... I know that the romance of the sun and moon kissing is a reminder to me as to why (and who!) I need to get a move on for."
Newton Davey (AKA David Newton)
- Screenprinter
- Picture book maker
- Gold Foiler
- Pelican lover
Graduate of the Picture Book MA at Cambridge School of Art. London based and member of Printclub London.
"I worked in publishing for over 20 years - surrounded by my biggest love and inspiration - BOOKS.
My happy place is where words and images collide, celebrating this in my story telling and printmaking. I think of myself an image maker and ‘build’ all my images by hand."
You can see more of David's work here.